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How to Make Your Own Spa-Worthy Face Masks At Home

Going to get a professional facial not only takes time out of your already busy day but also can be costly. The good news is that you can make your face masks at home with some of the goodies in your refrigerator and pantry. Spices like turmeric pack a powerful punch against aging while staples honey, yogurt, and oats have nourishing properties that soothe and smooth skin. Scroll on for five homemade face mask recipes that hydrate, treat hyperpigmentation, calm irritation, boost radiance, and more.

A Face Mask to Target Hyperpigmentation


  • 1 Tbsp of turmeric (can be fresh, or powdered)
  • 1 Tbsp of lemon juice
  • 1 Tbsp of honey (or you can use ½ an avocado)
  • A spoonful of water

As you well know, turmeric is an ingredient that is well known to reduce inflammation. Be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands and apply them to the areas you feel need them. Leave the mixture on for a total of 3 minutes and rinse. If used twice a week over four weeks, you should start to notice a reduction in hyperpigmentation, as well as redness of the skin. 

A Face Mask to Calm the Skin


To have the ultimate spa experience, you want to mix the ingredients in a bowl and apply them to your face with a makeup brush. The coconut oil works to hydrate your skin while the honey nourishes it with antioxidants, and lastly, the lavender oil soothes the skin getting rid of any redness. Your skin will be left feeling soft and supple.

A Face Mask to Hydrate and Nourish



  • ½ avocado
  • 1 Tbsp of honey
  • A handful of oats

This amazing mask will quickly get to work when applying it to specific areas like scars, as the honey in it is known to increase healing and skin regeneration. Not only that but these ingredients when applied to the face are highly moisturizing without being oil. Also, the oats have healing qualities of their own and will also exfoliate the top layer of your skin, allowing the other ingredients to seep in even deeper.

A Face Mask to Improve Skin Texture and Tone


  • 1 Tbsp plain yogurt
  • 1 Tbsp honey
  • 1 Tbsp turmeric powder

This face mask is a favorite of the beautiful Priyanka Chopra, and if it is good enough for her, well it’s good enough for us. The lactic acid in the yogurt goes a long way in getting rid of rough dead skin cells so that newer and brighter ones can come to the surface. The honey works to moisturize the skin, while the turmeric soothes any redness. If you hang out in the sun a lot, this mask will do wonders for your skin.

A Face Mask to Make Your Skin Glow



Aloe Vera is jam-packed with a host of vitamins and nutrients. It will hydrate, soothe, and boost your skin’s radiance all at the same time. Paired with papaya you get enhanced exfoliation that will dissolve dead skin cells leaving your skin looking amazing. When you add the cacao powder you bring the mask to a whole other level as it increases blood circulation, plumping up the surface of the skin for a youthful appearance.

Final tip: Remember when making your own homemade face mask recipes that you want to check the use-by dates so that you aren’t using expired products.

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